Connecting Azure Data Factory SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) to your Azure VM (and your On-Premise data sources)

I wanted to test how I can connect other than public data sources to my Azure Data Factory SSIS IR. Namely I wanted to be able to read files from a file share. Originally I thought I would need so called Self-Hosted Integration Runtime, but actually you can connect SSIS IR to your On-Premise data sources. If you don’t have SSIS IR, then you would need Self-Hosted IR connecting On-Premise data sources. It’s basically installs own Azure VM to your Azure environment.

I tested also connection to On-Premise SQL Server in other environment. It was quite tricky and took me a while until I found this article:

According to it I needed to store my domain credentials into SSISDB like this: catalog.set_execution_credential @user='<your user name>’, @domain='<your domain name>’, @password='<your password>’

After that I finally got my connection to work. Of course other prerequisite was to open On-Premise firewall for connections from SSIS IR.

According to this document I was supposed to create my own Azure Virtual Network and connect my SSIS IR and my Azure VM to that. Creation of VNet is straightforward task.

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